6 unspectacular quirks about me:
- I'm addicted to buying beautyproducts, I have a closet filled with them. Sometimes I just love to take out everything and rearrange them. Oh and I also love smelling them :)
- Sometimes I get these cleaning attacks and then I go crazy when something isn't in the right place and I can't rest untill I cleaned up everything.
- I love to go to the supermarket and go trough every rayon and look at the food, oh and I really love schoolmaterial aswell.
- When I don't know what to do, I just go sit on my bed and look at all my clothes and shoes and think of all sorts of different outfits. And most of the time I try these outfits on.
- Everytime when I'm reading a magazine I make wantlists of all the beautifull things I want to buy, no matter how much they cost.
- I can't keep a single plant alive and the funny thing is that it is because I care for them too much and give them too much water.
I know the rules say I have to tag 6 other people, but I really don't know who I should tag, because I've seen this tag on a lot of blogs already. So if you haven't been tagged, please feel free to do this tagginggame, it's fun.
You Are an Apple |
You are strong, powerful, and even a bit stubborn at times. You have enough strength to help those around you in trouble. You are adventurous and charming. Many people are drawn to you. You love life, and you enjoy traveling the world. You enjoy fine food, art, and culture. People have accused you of being a snob, but that's not accurate. You do enjoy the best things in life. Unlike snobs, you truly appreciate quality... not just pretend to. |