Finally exams are over and I can do some fun things. Like today, I'm going to Ikea. I'm hoping to find lots of nice stuff for the new apartment. I also found the time to sort out the photo's from our trip to Lille in July. We had a lovely time there and we did some serious shopping (sales!). Lille is a wonderful city, so if you have the chance to visit it please do!

Palais des Beaux Arts

La Vieille Bourse

La Grande Place

La Chambre de Commerce

Notre-Dame de la Treille

La Porte de Paris et l'Hotel de Ville

I'm wearing
Jacket: My Sisters
Scarf: Vintage
Dress: H&M
Purse: H&M
Shoes: Vintage
As I said before we did some serious shopping, that means my boyfriend loves shopping to.
I was searching an A.D.I.D.A.S. jacket like this for ages and I finally found one in the A.D.I.D.A.S. originals store in Lille at 50%. That just made my day! I know this is a bad quality picture, so I need to mention that the stripes are actually gold instead of white. You'll get a better look when it appaers in one of my outfitshots.

A cute dress from Zara and also 60% off. God I love sales! I tried on this dress before when I was still at home, but couldn't find the perfect size. So I searched every Zara in Lille for this dress and I got lucky.

This blouse is from Zara and was 70% off. It's a real comfy piece of clothing, so I just couldn't resist.

A colorful sequined bolero from H&M Divided. You know that when I see something shiny I just have to buy it.

These 2 flowers are from H&M and are perfect to make a simple scarf beautiful. According to the plastic attached to them they're for wearing in your hair, but they're just to big for that in my opinion.

I also got another dress at H&M for only 10 euros, but I forgot to take a picture. So I'll show it to you guys soon.
I've read somewhere that Lille is a great city for shopping vintage. I've searched the internet and the city but couldn't find a single vintage shop. So if anyone knows some good vintage shops in Lille, let me know please. I plan on visiting this city again as soon as I can.