When summer was still hanging around in Belgium -it really feels like autumn is already here- my mom, my sister and I had a lovely shoppingday in Antwerp. I can't think of a better way to spend my vacation days!

Lately I'm really into pink, if I see something pink I have to buy it. Weird, especially if you know that most of the items in my closet used to be black. I guess it's just a fase, but I'm loving it.
So when I found these 2 cardigans I brought them home with me. The left one is from H&M and the cardigan with the cute little hearts is from New Look.
These comfortable loafers are from Zara. I was looking for these for ages, well at least it feels like it was that long. I saw them in Louvain, of course no more sizes 38 left. No luck in Hasselt either! Luckily I found a last pair in Antwerp.
It seems that when I want a pair of shoes by Zara I have to go trough a lot of trouble to find them, just like with my wedge booties! What can I say, I'm a shoe addict!