I finally found the time to make another outfit post. Things have been so hectic lately! We're both studying for our exams and we're packing our things to move next week, all at the same time. My boyfriends rent already stopped at the beginning of this week, so now he's living in with me. I'm surprised I found a place to make a picture, because we're living between bananaboxes. I'm so looking forward to next week when we finally have the key for the new appartment and we can move some things already, so I can finally study in peace.
Yesterday we went to Zara and H&M as a studybreak, this is what I wore. My hair is a mess, so that's why I have no head. I'm going to the hairdressers as soon as possible!

Dress: H&M
Belt: H&M (Paris)
Shoes: Invito