mardi 22 juin 2010

The Big Change!

From now on I'll also be reviewing all kinds of beauty products on this blog, next to fashion, outfits, etc. I've already made several beauty related posts on my blog, but from now on things will be different.

I've always been very aware of the way that I live. I'm a very green person, even if I say so myself. I try to take the bike or public transport as much as possible, I'm a vegetarian, I buy bio vegetables, fruits, etc., I'm a hardcore recycler (it even drives some people crazy, because I take recycling very very far), I don't waste anything, ... Really, I can go on and on about a greener way of living.
Recently it dawned on me that when it comes to buying beauty products, I wasn't that green as I wanted to be. So I decided to make a radical change in everything that's beauty related.

I try to buy as much products with Ecocert, Cosmebio, ... labels or products that are as much natural as possible (without parabens,etc.) when it comes to my beauty-routine.
And I only buy products that aren't tested on animals (product and ingredients). I just can't handle the thought that animals are suffering for our mascara's (etc.), when there are lot's of other ways to test these products.
This isn't as easy as it sounds, because many products are tested on animals. It forced me to go on a search for new brands that make me happy and it also made me say goodbye to several brands that I was already using for years (and loved).

So from now on I'll only be posting about beauty products that fit perfectly with my new way of life!
If you guys want to know more about products that are free of animal testing, here are some sites: Peta, Stop Dierproeven & Proefdiervrij.

Just for the record: I really don't want to criticize anyone, or anyone's way of living. I really respect everyone's choices, but I think it's worth to think about how we humans treath the world and other living beings!
If you guys have questions, want to know more about this way of living or if you don't agree with my vision, feel free to leave a comment or send me an e-mail.
I'm really curious to know how you guys feel about this topic!

6 commentaires:

  1. Ik ben er alvast benieuwd naar! Je kan niet groen genoeg zijn. Ik probeer er de laatste tijd ook op te letten dat ik wat groener ga leven maar op dit moment lukt het niet echt zo heel goed. Verder dan recycleren & the Body Shop-producten geraakt het niet. Dus als je ook tips hebt over ecologisch leven, mag je ze gerust mededelen hoor. (van mij toch :p )

  2. I think it is a great idea that we can all work a little bit on, cant wait to see the posts! I kind of have been going nail crazy as of late

  3. Kudos for expressing yourself so beautifully, love!

  4. zeer goed - ik probeer ook op veel gebied meer milieubewust te zijn: alle beetjes helpen, ik ben benieuwd naar meer tips!

  5. I'm really curious about this, nice thing to do.

    Hope all is well with you sweetie



Thanks for your sweet comments ♥